Going in to the US is one thing, going in to Mexico is a totally diferent animal
we are stating that Mexican authorities have requierements that may or may not be implemented by the person that is at the border cheking vehicles and persons comming in to Mexico.
Rabies is one of those requirements on CATS and DOGS going in to Mexico if the agent at the border wants to see the documents, and you do not have them, two things can happen:
You come to an agreement on how much the soda is going that day. (mordida)
Or they quarenteen the animal. (mordida) to get the animal out.
Most of the time they could care less about a gringo with cats and/or dogs, they are interested in the Mexicans coming in that have license plates from further south, they will get the soada money out of them.
They know that in the US we obbey laws a little bit more, therefore your dogs and cats will have current shots for rabies, and do not bother with the paper work, there are other fish in the pond.