Living in Mexico, and RVing around Mexico for 30+ years taught us several things.
Potable water is very inexpensive and available in 20 liter jugs everywhere, even delivered in most places. We finally installed an under counter filtration system so we could drink the water without having to buy it. Almost more hassle than it was worth.
When we returned to the US, we never sanitized our hoses and tank, but NEVER drank the water out of them again. Considering how easy it is to clean your tank and hose, it would be very easy to do.
Living here, we use bottled water for everything except doing dishes and brushing our teeth. The pets all drink bottled. That way we don't have to clean and sanitize our cistern and tinacos.
In most cities in Mexico the water leaves the treatment plants safe to drink. However the delivery systems have often been compromised so the quality of the delivered water via the piping, is questionable.
Just do a quick sanitize when you return home or your first day on the road in the US and you are good! Why bother doing it when you are in Mexico? You aren't going to drink water with "just a little bit of bleach" added. It's nasty!