Forum Discussion

stanbnv's avatar
Sep 05, 2013

Mazatlan bypass

Any more news about the bypass around Mazatlan?
  • That isn't all señor...

    SCT WILL NOT OPEN THAT ROAD until such time as it has at least one gasolinera for logistics. And where pray tell will "la luz" come from to power the gaolinera?

    SCT WILL NOT OPEN THAT ROAD until such time as a repeater antenna is situated so as to allow communications for the military, SSP, and PFP.

    It is las aguas. No it does not rain in Durango nor Sinaloa like it does other places but all-too-frequent torrential thunderstorm downpours STOP any thought of heavy structural concrete pourings.

    This is going to be a watershed event when the highway is completed. I'll GUESS the economy and growth of Mazatlan is going to increase twenty percent or more. That entire corridor is going to explode with businesses and homes building.

    But to raise hopes falsely is cruel and deceptive.
  • Ah, journalism at its best and always with a twist of satirism. In the first article which is in Spanish, they say all the highway up to and including the bridge is 99% completed and ready to go.

    Then the twist begins, los primeros 10 kilómetros del lado sinaloense pasando el Baluarte aun existen mucho trabajo por hacer por lo que las constructoras de aquel lado tendrán que trabajar a marchas forzadas para concluir los 16 túneles y 13 puentes en ese tramo señalado renglones antes.

    The first 10 kms on the Sinaloa side (east of the bridge) has a lot of work to complete, they'll have to work hard to finish 16 tunnels and 13 bridges as mentioned above.

    This could mean the work is under progress and tunnels have already been dug but finishing touches aren't complete. What percentage makes a project "incomplete" and requires another full year (although a full year is not mentioned in the article).

    Also, an interesting read, Cameron County ‘not ready’ for Mexican produce highway (Cameron County is Brownsville, Texas) It appears that Brownsville may become a major produce port from the East coast and Mid-West along with south Texas.

    I like the SCT website, but like INEGI, it is difficult to maneuver. So much so, INEGI offered me a two-day course to understand how to manage their website. Oh the humanity of government websites.

    I want to be optimistic and say that Hwy 40 will soon be reality. Now we just need a group of teachers or Pemex works to make it a place to hold their desmadres.
  • My expert in the US government says taxes will go down, services will increase, if only we will vote for him.

    The WESTERNMOST bridge is NOT DONE. The bypass linking the completed section to the Villa Union section is NOT DONE. They are working on it. The bridge may take as long as a year MORE to complete.

    It ain't gonna open in November. Forget it. If you want information consult the SCT not a travel agent.
  • moisheh wrote:
    Apparently the Durango hwy will be a long time. Not this year.


    According to my source in Mexico it is effectively complete. He is a travel agent. It is currently scheduled to open in November this year, delayed from August.He already has one bus tour of Americans scheduled for next march.
  • Looking at the Google Earth photos, it looks like it will be at least a couple of years if their working on it steady.
  • The new improvements to the existing highway have really made it easy to get past Mazatlan. I think it may be several more Years before an Eastern Ring Road gets built. Then it won't take long until that too gets built up with Shopping Plazas and Pemex Stations.
  • Apparently the Durango hwy will be a long time. Not this year.

  • Yeah I would also like to know. I was assuming it would be completed with the Durango Highway which was supposed to be finished last month.