navegator wrote:
This chart was probably done by a Mexican, the sense of humor in Mexico far exceeds the comprehension and capacity of foreigners to see the humor in it, some gringos take things too serious, and then comes the nasty responses and that is not nice, Mexicans can make light of just about everything in the world.
Definitely looks like made by somebody who is living in Mexico and/or has vested interest in tourism there. This also makes it hypocritical. Whoever wrote this joke, is not a tourist living on resort. Neither am I, or Tequila, or forum moderators.
Didn't realize that my reminder about expats being robbed and murdered - literally days before this chart was posted - fell into category of nasty responses. Unless, of course, it was deleted "accidentally". Hey, it's better not to know about anything bad, don't-worry-be-happy :)...
To my observations, most Mexicans don't make light of their work or their living.
Roger and out.