Add this It is not wise to splash on A-1 then slither close to the bars and taunt the tigers.
I've yet to hear of a modest tow rig or toad getting jacked. That much overpublicized story of a southern California man having an issue in "Downtown Ixtapa", occurred at a "Ladies Bar" at 4AM.
When news stories occur, notice that Mexican news calibrates story location by the municipio (County) Years ago the headlines screamed ("atrocity HERMOSILLO!). Further micro-research ended up on a dirt track 72 miles to the southeast of the city. A story about a small town I passed through often "Cerro de Ortega" revealed only in small print below an image that the "incident" occurred 5.5 miles East another two tire dirt track brecha.
About ten years ago I went with Jesus' family (sister, husband and kids to zihua). After parking poor Eduardo was stared down by an acne scarred badass. He ignored them and the proceeded to the beach. Not me. I wanted to beard the lion.
The guy was driving a jacked-up Lincoln Navigator. Shiny black with murals and baby buggy wheels.
I walked up to the SUV. He stiffened and one of this passengers started walking back from the palm frond restaurant. Had I not stopped I would have been invisible.
Can't have that
Eduardo is my friend and also has the mango orchard next to mine.
I pointed at his mural and asked "Es Regional?"
He nodded yes, and his frown turned into a straight line
I then pointed at his (20"?) gold spoke wheels and asked "Oro puro?". The straight line turned into a very slight smile. I wished him a "Buenas Dias" and walked toward the restaurant. The family intercepted me just short of our table.
"Do you know who that was !?!"
(I can imagine)
A year later he was apprehended in Acapulco. His mug, the Lincoln, everything was plastered on page 1.
My friends in Zihuatanejo laughed their rears off...
The moral of this story is 99.99% tourists are totally invisible to feared narco cartel bosses. They actually reject contact unless somebody would do something beyond stupid. Unimaginably outrageous.
Just for your information, as the family was disembarking from the car, I happened to look over at the then opened door of the Navigator. On the rear seat pointed away from me was an assault rifle. I turned away acting disinterested. One of their men spread a blanket over it.
A hispanic looking man could have never gotten away with what I pulled.
Maria clutched my arm tight as I sat down and said "One poquito momento de diversion"
A little moment of fun
The chart above was fun for a chuckle -- what I offered is reality. Relax and have fun. I spare the A-1 for a juicy beefsteak.