Forum Discussion

south-of-the-bo's avatar
Oct 09, 2017


We have tried to get a tourist permit to enter our 1130 Lance Camper and Ford F350 pickup and we were refused a vehicle permit. They told us that no more truck campers and pickups over 1/2 T will be permitted. This type of vehicle is not permitted because of GVW (a law that has been in effect for years , but now being enforced)....
We have previously traveled for over 10 years with no problem. Motorhomes and trailers have no problems, only pick ups with campers. We feel sorry for all those traveling from the north and Canada, will be disappointed,
  • We were discussing corruption with a Mexican the other day. He explained that on most lists Mexico is not number one. BUT that is because someone paid mordida to get further down the list!

  • Actually Mexico is the No 1 country in question of corruption when it comes to bribing government officials, there is a study of some kind or the other and it was published in the internet a few days ago, but there is a way to hand a bribe, there is fineness in the way it is done, you do not hand the bills out right, you ask if there is a way to remedy the situation, then they let you know how much, it is then that you either hand them some more documents with the bills covered up or you palm it in a hand shake, not in the open that is not nice for everyone to see, there is an art to it.

    There is bribery in the USA also all you have to do is walk the halls of Congress, or any State Capitol Building and watch the lobbyists bribe the law makers, in Mexico the bribes are done in pesos and in the USA they are in Dollars that is the difference.

  • John & Angela wrote:
    GordonThree wrote:
    OP Did you forget to include a few crisp bills when you handed over your ID and paperwork?

    Wow, totally uncalled for comment and completely disrespectful of a neighboring country. Is that acceptable manners in your society? Moderator???

    As a person who has lived in Mexico for the last nine years and traveled the country for about 50 years, I wouldn't say it's a "totally uncalled for.......comment". It IS the way it IS. Sure, it has diminished somewhat in the last few years, but it is still a very prevalent activity.

    And if it is disrespectful, many Mexicans also engage in this means of getting government officials "working". They are disrespecting their own country, apparently.

    What planet are you on? It's Mexico.
  • GordonThree wrote:
    OP Did you forget to include a few crisp bills when you handed over your ID and paperwork?

    Wow, totally uncalled for comment and completely disrespectful of a neighboring country. Is that acceptable manners in your society? Moderator???
  • OP Did you forget to include a few crisp bills when you handed over your ID and paperwork?
  • South-of-the-border -- Which border crossing did you attempt to use? Tequila on other threads on this forum has given good advice on which crossings to use with no hassles. If you still feel so inclined to make the trip into Mexico, read his comments; others have had success at his recommended crossings. Good luck.
  • I consider it a stupid law considering all of grossly overloaded trucks I see in Mexico. Maybe some American law makers moved south?

  • Wow! That's unbelievable, especially when they need tourists to help prop up their economy. I wonder if this was just one person exercising his authority or if they are really enforcing an old law.