Forum Discussion

punomatic's avatar
Nov 08, 2015

Michigan visit

DW and I are planning on taking 12 weeks to make a big loop starting from OR in April and taking a southern route through AZ, NM, TX, AR, TN, IN, WI, MN, SD, MT, ID, WA and home. We were thinking while we are in the area, we should see MI and the great lakes area.

Questions are:
  • 1) Will the weather be too cold (i.e., icy) in the great lakes area around mid to late May?
  • 2) What about WI at that time of year?
  • 3) Would June be too soon to stop at Mt. Rushmore and Glacier NP?
  • 4) If we go to MI, what are the best places to see--we've never seen the great lakes?
  • 5) Are we nuts to make this trip at this time of year?

We would appreciate any constructive advice about this cockamamie plan. We have kids in San Diego and friends in Tennessee, Indiana and Wisconsin whom we want to visit, so those stops are musts. We also want to see the ICR museum in Dallas. Otherwise we are open to suggestions.

Since this route will take us through a lot of states and regions, we anticipate lots of replies. We will sift though them and figure out a general plan for the trip, to be supplemented with side trips as the Spirit leads.