mayo30 wrote:
4X4Dodger wrote:
Lynn0527 wrote:
Just as an aside, you don't know my travel history or work history so you are assuming quite a lot. Sorry but I thought we were discussing Mexican's and the situation in Mexico and minimum wage, not Egyptians. I wasn't referring to the educated Mexicans who work in the tourist industry. Some of them are probably well paid (perhaps the ones that work at the front desk of chain hotels or high end restaurants) but I bet the ladies that make the beds and clean the rooms are not well paid and if a little tip of $5.00 helps them and makes them feel their work is appreciated, then I am of the mind to help them out and thank them.
The Egyptian you speak of must be one in a million because I am familiar with the Egyptian culture and most Egytians work very hard to put one over on you. Not to be derogatory but they view bargaining a good deal (maybe even what North Americans might consider cheating) as being savvy at business.
I just really feel that as a traveller we should leave a positive impression and be cognisant of the people around us. When I travel I always feel just a little bit guilty about what I have in comparison to others. For a lot of people one might meet from other countries, it is just a dream to them to be able to travel to another country. We are very fortunate people and I believe we should share that fortune with others. Upsetting the world economics is stretching it a little.
AHH! we get to the root of the matter...As you say GUILT. Yes I agree that is what drives most of this "generosity". I find that many North Americans feel as you do. And then act on those FEELINGS rather than a more rational approach based on facts, economics and experience.
You are also right that I dont know your travel experience...but if you read me carefully you will see I make no assumptions about you. I only talk about my experience.
As for's sad that you feel so cynically about such a fine people. But you are not alone in this. MANY tourists come away feeling the same. If you had lived and worked there for two years, spoke Arabic (i read and write a little too) I think you would feel differently. I for one found the Egyptians to be incredibly generous, hospitable, great negotiators, and wonderful friends. Do they have their share of scammers...OH for sure! And they have perfected their art over about a thousand years of catering to visitors and tourists.
To some of the other posters who believe I am a cheapskate:
You might find it interesting to know that I gave two years of my life to the Peace Corps and the people of Sierra Leone.(1976-77) I have started and run successful businesses in China and SE Asia. I paid above average wages. Paid for my employees healthcare out of my own pocket. Paid for the births of their children. Sent many of my employees to English school (and their children too) And when I sold my last business there I took some of that income and bought every long term employee a brand new Honda Blade motor scooter. Maybe you are right. Maybe I just should have tipped more. But then again I have no reason to feel guilty.
Sorry to have to bring this up,but this is not about you.No doubt you are an exemplary person,I for one will always tip what I feel is earned,what the receiver does with the tip is up to them.
Call it guilt or what ever you want.I am pretty sure I have made a few people a little happier over the years in Mexico and if I ruined the economy for the whole country,I am sorry.
Well you are right it is not about me and if you had read the other posts I think you would realize I was responding to those that were accusing me of being a heartless cheapskate.
About the idea that your actions do create inflation. Again if ;you read what I wrote I pointed out that it was usually on a MICRO level regional or sometimes confined to one city or even neighborhood. And it does adversely affect the locals. Just Google INFLATION AND TOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES and hundreds of scholarly articles are available which support exactly what I am saying...I am not alone in understanding this phenomenon.
It would be really helpful if posters would actually READ what was written before criticizing what they THINK was being said. I have never advocated NOT tipping. What was originally said was that Tipping and the amount you tip has nothing to do with the minimum Wage. That tipping is about service received and the size of the Bill. Please go back and read my previous posts (All of them) on this subject)
Again if you had read my post carefully it was not me that called it Guilt it was someone else. I used it only in my response to them. But I do beleive it drives a lot of misguided actions.
FINALLY; This is What I Believe About Tipping:
Tipping should ONLY be done where it is Culturally Acceptable to do so
It should be done in Amounts similar to local Custom
It should be left as the locals do whether that is handed directly to the server or left on the table
It doesn't matter how much we tip in our home countries..your not in your home country.
Fully realize that your tip may be taken by the owner of the establishment in MANY cases and May or May Not be used for the benefit of the employees.
Now I hope all of those that called me names over this issue (an amazing thing in itself that some cannot remain civil) can relax and know that I too Tip (by the above rules).
This has gone sideways from a simple comment. Lets return to discussing Mexico.