We drove our towed car from the RV in Villa Corona, t0 Angangueo, got a hotel room and drove up the road next morning to the staging area, and parking lot. We arranged for a ride up the remaining hill on donkeys, lead by the owner. That remaining distance took 55 minutes with the animal huffing a bit, but nothing like that from our man, although we were probably at 11,000 feet or more where we left our mounts, to walk down to where the monarchas were.
We were a little too early to see a mass flight out,off the trees and into the sunshine, but even though likely the first ones of the day, there, it was a great experience, still lots of butterflies in flight. The walk back up to the animals got us panting for breath, after spending the winter at sea level. On our way back down, we saw old friends from the beach who missed the winter there that year riding up. We stayed another night in town (at only 9,000 feet) before heading back, but stopping for another winter's day, in Patzcuaro. Love that town.