Forum Discussion

Talleyho69's avatar
Nov 06, 2014

Morelia North Bypass

We have found that taking the northern bypass in Morelia to be faster and easier that taking the mountain roads through Quiroga.
NOT THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!
A passing that normally takes us 25 minutes took us 1.5 hours, and fortunately, we had no damage. The first half of the bypass is being redone, and is one lane, and most of the pavement is missing. It's really bad, and we have 250,000+ Mexican miles under our belts.
People in Patzcuaro suggested taking the Centro route (Canadian Rainbirds???). We are considering the southern route in February, but really want to pass the word, and let people know NOT to try the northern bypass.
When it is finished, it will be wonderful, but at least a year......
  • Going through centro was not as big a problem as we thought it was going to be. There was a Trafico Pesado sign to the periferico so I assumed we weren't supposed to be going through town, though there were a few dually dump and delivery trucks along the way. We made it through with out getting stopped.

    Here is a link to the appropriate blog page. of last years trip. (a Saturday)

    We have also driven most of the southern part of periferico in the Tracker some years ago. at that time it was quite doable in a motorhome but then so was the northern route!

    Note that the GPS was sometimes shaded by trees and/or buildings and was frequently a bit behind.