Our vw westy burned to the ground last year about 30 miles from Palenque. Burned for 5 1/2 hours before it was finally put out by the fire dept. Police were very nice and took us to a room at Maya Bel. Spent 2 days with federale and judge getting about 30 pages of paperwork done to mail to Mexico City. The only things salvaged were cat, dog, clothes we were wearing, and I had a belly pack with our visas, passports, title, and the tear off part of the vehicle sticker plus I happened to take a video of the burn. Thought we had it all together to get my husband's name cleared to get sticker in his name again. A big NO to that. Mexico City returned our paperwork within 3 days. Wanting to know who in authority moved the remains of the vehicle, what they did with it, and did we cause harm to the flora and fauna. We were back in the states by then and I got in touch with the federale who helped us and faxed paperwork to him. No response. Vehicle is now in my name. Guess it will never get straightened out.