Thank you again! He really wanted to go that way (Hwy 50), so maybe we will just do that!
Nevada is not only Las Vegas and Reno. Highway 50 is an excellent insight into the 'other' more rural Nevada. It is a good road but will take a little longer than IR 80. From the Utah border to Carson City/Dayton area there are four small towns -- Ely, Eureka, Austin and Fallon. Be sure to fill up long before you need fuel. You might also visit Lehman caves/ Great Basin Nat. Park in eastern Nevada. Often the biggest issue in Nevada with driving an RV across the state is the wind. Early in the morning it is usually calmer. In the winter it can snow making for a slow go on some roads. Other than that US 50 across Nevada redefines the term 'traffic congestion' or perhaps the lack thereof. I once drove across the state and in the 300 plus miles saw three cars on US 50 apart from the few cars comprising local traffic in towns. It is busier now but still very lightly traveled compared to many other places.