Best thing to do is send the info to the Churches so it gets incorporated in a new book, if they do one. I do have a huge database of RV parks as a GPS file, but Mike & Teri are personal friends, so I am not going to undercut their book sales by releasing it. I do post individual ones I find out about, here. If they decide not to do another, then that is another matter. I previously asked their OKk to release it and they said they prefered I didn't.
I sent this and other info to the Churches as I do whenever anyone posts anything new. I also have a saved file with extensive info compiled over the years of which much came from the Churches as well as the Bells so I do not release mine publicly either. Tequila - I have shared things in the past with you Paul. Just wondering how the folks who posted about Oaxaca came by the info in the first place and how they knew to go there. I also have met the Churches and hung out with them a bit but the last I heard from them is there won't be another Mexico book - though they may do other books. Sending the info to them may get it posted on their updates page online.