Billseal, When I come up from the beautiful South yearly, from I95 North of Richmond, take rt. 17 to rt. 66 over to I81 all the way to Scranton PA. then 84 to Danbury Conn. and on all the way to 90 (Mass pike) then on to I495. I495 North will take you to I95 in New Hampshire. I495 South will take you around Boston to Cape Cod. On 495 South in Foxboro you can camp in Normondy Farms, (about 25 to 30 mi.south of Boston) I think they have trans to Boston. Or on RT 44 off I495 in Middleboro a KOA near Plymouth MA. (25 to 30 mi to Bos.) I don't rec. driving to the City a Bus or train is the way to go. Also there is a State Park, Scusset Beach on the Cape Cod canal right at the bridge. (about 45 mi to Boston. If you head north from there take Rt. 3 N. towards Bos. then
Rt. 128 around Bos. to 95 North. Boston has a lot of History, a good aquarium, the ship (Old Iron sides) Duct Tours, (good way to see things) In Maine Acadia Nat Park is a great as is all along the coast esp North of Portland. At Freeport LL Bean Open 356 days & 24 Hrs. Then You can go all the way to Banger then RT 1A to Acadia, If you stay into October NH & VT the foliage is beautiful.
In PA on Rt 81 there is some road work * some long one lane traffic north of Harrisburg.