Forum Discussion

Dick_B's avatar
Jan 29, 2014

Next Exit 2014

The Next Exit 2014 is now available for $14.95 from:
Sorry, don't know how to make it a hyperlink.
  • RCFROMFL wrote:
    Is 2014 spiral bound ? It will lay flat if so.

    "Exit Now" was the spiral-bound one, and they appear to have quit updating it.
  • The only problem I see with the I-exit is that it doesn't show the facilities in red to show that it is RV friendly.
  • I purchased Next Exit a few years ago and was not impressed. I get the same information regarding food, gas, and hotels from the signs along the interstate and the signs announcing the exit.
  • You can also get the app I-Exit which is the Next Exit in electronic form. As long as you have phone service, you can see all of the same things only I think it is more convenient. No more paging through a book. Just open the app, it finds your location in the interstate and lists all the upcoming exits with their amenities and the distance. And you never have to buy a new book because the app updates periodically.
  • Maybe one of these days this publication or an online one, will provide photos of the station layout to determine parallel pumps or the ability to drive around the building to get to the end pump facing out.
    What a great idea for a future invention!
  • Next Exit is nice to have for finding exits with gas stations, shopping, restaurants, etc. but for those of us in MHs pulling a toad four down, it sure would be nice to know if the pumps are parallel to the road so we can pull thru at the pumps since we can't back up. I start looking for gas exits when I'm at about a half tank. If I can find a Pilot/Flying J, that's my first choice.
  • Dick_B wrote:

    Sorry, don't know how to make it a hyperlink.

    Just an FYI - if you hit the "Reply to Topic" link instead of using the quick reply box at the bottom, there will be icons on the top to use to create links, add pics and stuff. Posting a new topic, one of the icons is a little globe with what looks like sunglasses on the bottom right of it - that's the create link button.
