Yup. Just scroll with your fingers and as a user of both the book and the IExit, IExit is much easier to use to find what's at an exit 100, 200 or more miles up the road - fuel, food, campgrounds, motels, rest areas etc together with which direction and how far they are from the exit. If you are looking, for example, for a motel at the exit, you will see how many are there and which ones and if you tap the phone icon next to the name, your phone will call that motel. In addition to the map which will accompany that motel's listing, you can tap an icon for detailed driving instructions, another icon to access their web site if you want more info than the amenities list provided. Ditto for fuel, food etc. Another plus - with the book, you need to spend a minute or two to find the right page for your 'start'. With the app, the default is that when you open the app and you are on the interstate, it will automatically open to the right interstate and your exact current location on it. You still have the ability, if you wish, to tell the app what interstate to use and where to start in the event you want to look at a route while you are still in your home kitchen.
Download it (it's free if I remember right and once you have it, it is updated automatically - no new version to buy every year or two) and have your navigator use it next time you travel somewhere on an interstate.