Forum Discussion

Pforecast's avatar
Apr 06, 2014

No power to dash or ignition

I have a 1997 Allegro Star built on the F53 chassis with the 460 engine. I start it up every two weeks. Today when I went to start it there was no power to the dash. I put the key in and turned it. Nothing. No dash lights, no headlights, no horn, no starter...nothing. It's as if there was no battery in the vehicle. I tested the two batteries and they both showed a little over 14 volts. The 12v lights in the vehicle are working. The generator will even start. But nothing happens when I turn the key. I've cleaned all of the connections from the batteries to the solenoids. I can figure it out. I know it must be something simple, but I can't find it. Can anyone help?
  • Fords generally run the body feed through a fusible link from the same terminal on the starter solenoid that the positive battery cable connects to. I'd start there.
  • I know that on most vehicles, regardless of make, they have a main power wire that feeds everything you describe.
    As mentioned before me, they typically have a fusible link.

    About ten years ago I had the identical symptoms in my old pickup.

    I traced my wiring and found a corroded connection on the main power feed wire. Not the battery cable, but a secondary large wire that went through the dash to feed the items you describe.

    I suggest tracing that power wire with a test probe until you find the "dead" spot
  • Sounds like maybe a fuseable link may have failed. Also check the ground cable on the battery, (not at the battery post, but where it is bolted to the chassis), look for corrosion at that point.