I rest my case!
I am not sure what the "case" is??
I will try to relate a case - one among thousands - I personally witnessed. Watching TV one night the reporter told us on network TV for all the world that a woman just came up to her and told her there was cancer in every house in the nearby neighborhood. I lived in that neighborhood and knew most of the people there. I knew of no one with cancer and never thereafter heard of anyone with cancer. But the reporter told the world what a woman came up and told her. There was no effort of any kind to verify any part of the story or the credibility of the woman who told the reporter this misinformation. Day after day with regularity we see news reports discredited as more and more misinformation is put out by the media and the internet. But if I tell anyone I lived in that neighborhood and know there was not one single person with cancer the news report is going to trump my presentation of the facts every time. Interesting. NOTE - nothing to do with Mexico.
This thread has become hilarious. I started it because I thought the idea that someone was selling underground resort property for sheltering from the apocalypse was pretty funny - and that anyone would buy one of these properties even funnier. But I guess these things make some people happy. The discussion has taken on some sort of life of its own - as I expected - but in directions I did not expect. It just gets goofier and goofier. I hope other readers get a kick out of all this too.