Yes, 2 mo. seems all too short, even for me. I posted about a trip here about 6 mo. ago, trying to learn more about the things to see along our proposed route for a U.S. boundary states tour, clockwise, touching every state that has an international boundary. I got almost no response to this plea, but am certainly bookmarking this post as good fodder for our trip. I finally wound up going to Trip Advisor with great, local results and got lots of info.
The most important thing I learned is that this country is a lot bigger and deeper than a short trip can accommodate. It is a jolt to see that you are in a paradigm shift. At first, jeanie and i thought we could do this trip in 8 weeks. Huh! Not good thinking. We then expanded it to 12, then 16 weeks to get the most out of it. We travel at a rather fast pace, not staying more than one night in any location. We camp in Federal Campgrounds, State Campgrounds, County Campgrounds, BLM, Nat. Forests, dry camp about anywhere that looks good and most importantly stealth camp, especially in the cities. We have developed a 'sense' about successfully picking a spot that works for us. We pick a spot, go up the stairs, pull down the blinds, and camp. It looks like no one is home. The rig is 20 ft. long and will fit in any parking spot along the curb or in a lot.
Our big boundary trip has not happened yet, but the wheels of preparation are still turning. Our twist is we are doing it in a small Lance truck camper on an off-road prepared 4WD Dodge diesel pickup, expecting to camp on every beach (right on the sand) that will allow same. There are quite a few that fit that requirement.
Thanks for all the replies to this post, as I have downloaded a lot of good info for our trip.
regards, as always, jefe