Forum Discussion

sgfrye's avatar
Aug 27, 2018

North Carolina to Niagara Falls advice appreciated

Wife and I are leaving September 1st for a trip to Niagara Falls and Lancaster Co Pennsylvania. Leaving home we will be traveling the first day from central NC to Pittsburg/washington Area Koa for a one night stay then on to Niagara Falls. 3 days at Niagara Falls then on to Lancaster Co. Pa amish country. I can use a trip planner or Gps but looking for real world experience on best route to take and any advice.with tolls roads or anything else. I tow a 7500lb loaded to camp 33 ft TT with a 3/4 ton ford gasser so hills and mountains are not a problem. Have towed in the North Carolina mountains with no problems. As always thanks everyone for their input.
  • Thank you everyone for the advice and thoughts. Wife and I got home this afternoon from a 1800 mile 8 night trip. No problems at all. Traffic no bad anywhere really except close to Buffalo. Didn't have a chance to visit Letchworth state park but it's on next years list. Drove into Canada and visited Niagara on the Lake on Lake Ontario. Gorgeous views. Lancaster co Amish country pa very scenic and relaxing. Niagara Falls beautiful but a tourist trap area. Had one night stays in pittsbugh/east Washington koa and last night was one night stay in natural bridge koa Virginia. Both great sites a little tight but long enough to stay hooked up. Branches of Niagara campground and country acres campground in Lancaster co pa both top notch with large sites. We are thankful for a safe trip
  • I live about 5 minutes from the Washington KOA. This park is on a steep hill so be careful navigating it.

    We go to Myrtle Beach every year. and the routh we follow is 73/74 to 52 to 77 to US19 to 79.

    You will have one long pull on 77 as soon as you cross the NC / Virginia line. There is tunnel construction on 77 at the Virginia / WV line that causes delays and the lanes are narrow. They force all commercial traffic off 77 as they are to wide for these lanes. If you have a big rig I would take this truck route.

    When you get to the Washington PA area 79 merges with 70. There is construction currently from the merge point to your exit. You will be taking the Beau Street exit. When you reach the stop sign at the end of the ramp turn right and follow the signs. Your GPS may tell you to exit 79 at the Labrotory exit but that route has tight turns. It is also very easy to miss the turn off the main road and you would end up in the city of Washington.

    When you leave the KOA go back the way you came and get back on 79 north / 70 west at Beau Street. Stay in right two lanes once you get on interstate as both can take the exit for 79 north. It is only a few miles once you get on the interstate to the split.

    Then it is about two and half hours or so to Erie PA which is far as I have gone.

    Have a safe and fun trip!

  • sgfrye wrote:

    i do have a couple of questions.

    we have our passports and want to visit the canadian side of the falls also. looking at the map im wondering if it would be easier to walk the rainbow bridge instead of driving over.


    when crossing the rainbow bridge in auto or pedestrian can the toll on canadian side be paid in us currency or credit card? i can't find specific info of website but have read on trip advisor reviews that tolls needed to be in canadian coin quarters for pedestrian.

    According to their web page, the pedestrian toll is currently $1 (cash only, I think) in either currency. They have change machines if needed for either currency; the turnstiles take quarters. You only pay on the return trip from Canada (as a pedestrian, not sure about vehicle tolls).

    If you don't need your vehicle on the Canadian side, walking over would be easier in my opinion.
  • WNYBob wrote:
    Here's a link to a group I created on tNiagara Falls things to do & Done. to help those comming to Niagara Falls and Western New York. I was born and raised here, so if you need information on the area please ask.


    thank you Bob

    i do have a couple of questions.

    we have our passports and want to visit the canadian side of the falls also. looking at the map im wondering if it would be easier to walk the rainbow bridge instead of driving over.

    we plan on visiting nf state park as well.

    i've printed a map of the state park and public parking downtown nf

    when crossing the rainbow bridge in auto or pedestrian can the toll on canadian side be paid in us currency or credit card? i can't find specific info of website but have read on trip advisor reviews that tolls needed to be in canadian coin quarters for pedestrian.
  • WNYBob wrote:
    Here's a link to a group I created on tNiagara Falls things to do & Done. to help those comming to Niagara Falls and Western New York. I was born and raised here, so if you need information on the area please ask.


    thank you everyone for the advice and comments. we are looking forward to seeing parts of the country we haven't been before
  • Here's a link to a group I created on tNiagara Falls things to do & Done. to help those comming to Niagara Falls and Western New York. I was born and raised here, so if you need information on the area please ask.

  • Consider Rte 15 from Harrisburg to Elmira/Corning NY area. Wegmans driver's used that all the time. Cuts off the 81/and most of 90 jog. Plus brings you real close to Letchworth as DrewE pointed out.
  • For the first (pretty long) leg, I can't offer much advice. Google maps says basically I-77 to US19 to I-79, which looks reasonable on paper but isn't a route I've ever traveled (that I can recall, at least).

    For the Pittsburgh to Niagara Falls leg, I'd take the obvious I-77 to I-90; alternate routes are a good bit slower. The Thruway (I-90) does have tolls that add up; if you have or can get an EZPass transponder it makes life a little easier and often a bit less expensive, but paying in cash does work.

    For the third leg, I-390 to I-99/US15 is good. Stopping at Letchworth State Park is definitely good if you can swing it; I would even suggest cutting out a day (or two) of Niagara Falls if that's needed to get one at Letchworth. Stopping at Knoebels in Elysburg, PA is also great if you're at all into amusement parks as it's one of the neatest ones anywhere.

    Sounds like a nice trip. I hope you have a great time.
  • Don't skip Letchworth State Park south of Rochester if you have the time. Beautiful falls.