Forum Discussion

ford_truck_guy's avatar
Jan 23, 2020

North Myrtle Beach to Nashville, TN

We just decided that we are changing up our summer trip a bit today. We are NOW going to spend the first half at Myrtle Beach Travel Park, then head over to the KOA in Nashville.

It LOOKS like I would most probably take 501 to 20 to 26 up to 40 and over the mountains..

Question #1 - Is there an advantage in going UP to 74 and running through Charlotte to 26??

#2 - IF we are going to stop for the night, are there more options on the EAST side, or WEST side of the mountains?
  • your route looks good.

    i-40 from asheville heading east can be a pain right now due to construction etc. but is usually always pretty heavy traffic.

    wife and i went to gatlingburg area this past september and i-40 west of asheville into tenn was a very good calm traffic drive.

    i would always avoid the charlotte area if possible. traffic is bad 7 days a week
  • I make this run a lot and I think you have it right. The 501 is THE way to miss all the little towns/speedtraps. Its barely used and a very pleasant drive imo.

    I'd let timing tell me where to spend the night. you Do Not want to go thru Asheville or Knoxville during rush hour.
  • In my opion your stated route would be what I woud take. We go to Tabor City when we visit the Myrtle area and that is mostly what we take. I think going to 74 would take a little longer.

    Myrtle to Nashville would be a long day but you could make it. I refuse to push myself that hard anymore so a good stop would be the Hendersonville/Asheville area. I'm just west of Newport TN and it takes us near 8 hrs. to get to Tabor City. I don't drive but 65-70 mph. There are quite a few parks to choose from.