We are currently staying in Brookings, OR, 25 miles north of Crescent City, CA. Yesterday, we played golf in Crescent City, starting around 11AM. At that time, there was a very slight smell of smoke and a slight haze in the distance. Nothing I would call "unhealthy" for people without breathing problems.
2 hours later, there was no sight or smell of smoke at all as the wind had shifted from the west.
The locals we talked to said that yesterday was typical in that there usually was a little smoke in the morning, but it clears out in the afternoon. Also, they said they haven't had any thick smoke in over a week - probably due to the fire being contained more and more each day.
Regarding 199 - It was closed about 2 weeks ago to all traffic; however, on Friday, it was opened to commercial traffic only. I think it is still closed to non-commercial traffic.