Anywhere in the far north above the 60th parallel is the best place in the world to see the northern lights, it's not just in the Fairbanks area.
I can also endorse the most spectacular August northern lights show I ever seen was in the Northwest Territories just south of Rae-Edzo-Behchoko headed towards Yellowknife.
The Yellowknife area is also famous and very ideal for truly wicked northern light shows to happen, especially in late winter during March.
Last night Fri-Sat Aug 14-15 around midnight (with minimum light to the north) as skies were clear here in the Fairbanks area, there was some northern light finally cleared up here after a week of real thick clouds and intermittent cold ****py rainfall with three western nasty fronts to where you would not see any northern light activity over cloud cover since it started getting dark at night here for almost two weeks now.