Your wanting to do this in your RV I take it?
if that's the case, you’re not going to find to many campgrounds open if any at all. There will be some in the Okanogan and the coast, however your speaking of late October and early November so the number of open campground will be limited.
Besides the campground issue, do you have the correct tires on your RV for winter driving? I copied and pasted what is required for Tires in BC after Oct 1st every year, and this is right from the BC Gov website.
“Install winter tires. Use four matched winter tires that carry the mountain/snowflake winter tire symbol and with tread no less than 3.5 mm – even when driving a 4 X 4 vehicle. Tires marked with an M+S (Mud and Snow) are also legally acceptable but do not provide the same degree of performance as a mountain snowflake tire in severe winter conditions.”
The chances of having a winter out west here like we did last year is anyone guess, however there are those that say it will be another mild winter in the west so Time will tell. But that dies nothing for next year.