Forum Discussion

Nov 15, 2018

One Thing For Sure. I Do Not Miss This...

Zip-zip-zip of tire chains. Sticky snow shovels. Rotary snow blowers. Windshield ice scrapers. Six layers of clothing. Muddy footprints. Buying cords of firewood. First snow -- four days after Christmas. Slope dopes.

  • That's why we live here!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sorry it's so cold for you. Come visit us on the coast!
  • I lived in Sweden at my uncles farm several winters while going to school, we cleared the snow with the tracktor, not a with shovel be there all day and the tracktor was always parked in it's shed and always with the bucket facing the doors that opened in not out that way we could start clearing over night snow, before we could fire the darnd thing we had to use a special heater under the motor to heat the oil and the radiator water mixed with kerosene that was drained every night and poured back in come morning the Diesel fuel was also drained and stored in a special heated container, one winter we did not use the front door or the kitchen door to go out of the house we used the balcony door on the second floor because of the snow drifts, we start using skis some time in September, ice forms earlly and when you see the thermometer at -40 celcius (-40 fareheight) at 09:30 when it becomes light and then we get a veritable heat wave arround 13:00 of maybe -30 celcius.

    Do I hate cold, yes never again I tolerate winter in Mexico since I do not have to work outside ever again, I am now gainfully unemployed (retiered) and now we are having a very cold fall and lets see what winter brings, current temp in the garden is a balmy +10 celcius all the mountains arround have a dusting of snoww.

    So bundle up with a good sarape (blanket) and a good cup of chocolate abuelita.

    Que pasen buenas noches rostizando Castañas

  • I've been in slow for two afternoons. Never again-that's why we live in Zihuatanejo!!!
  • You forgot power outages from broken ice covered wires and the mad rush to the grocery store for milk and bread.
  • I guess we are just a bit different. We enjoy the warmth of a roaring fire, the soft hum of the electric heater, the crisp clean air of spring and fall, and most of all we enjoy our RV when there are NO BUGS!
  • Occasionally I like the very cold! Just don’t want to live in it.