Forum Discussion

tropical_ron's avatar
May 19, 2013

Oregon coast travel

OK - we're currently in Willits Ca.,following US101; can we travel US101 along the Oregon coast in a 37 foot motorhome towing or should we avoid some sections. We plan to travel up to and into Washington, if that is practical. Thanks.
  • Have done the 101 several times - love it! And no problems.
  • OK - we're currently in Willits Ca.,following US101; can we travel US101 along the Oregon coast in a 37 foot motorhome towing or should we avoid some sections. We plan to travel up to and into Washington, if that is practical. Thanks

    It is a great route for RV sight seeing. Suggestion, the Oregon coast gets real impacted during the summer months and I would encourge you to make your RV Park reservations now, unless you have some places already set up.
  • We followed 101 from south of Crescent City all the way to the end in Washington last year. No problems just take your time and enjoy the scenery.
  • I have driven 101 both ways from San Francisco to way north in Washington state. You should have no problems. I like it better coming south.
  • 101 Oregon Coast is a great RV road/destination. No problem anywhere for your size rig..(unless there is severe weather - sometimes mud slides.

    It is Not a super speed inter state. Lots of little towns and speed limits that will slow you down, but tons of RV parks and beautiful vistas.

    We spend a couple of months every year wandering up and down the Oregon Coast Hwy 101.
    Have a good trip.