Forum Discussion

  • And then there's the carburetor that delivers 200 mile per gallon that the evil big oil or big auto bought the patent for and then swore everyone that knew about it to secrecy.
  • I was stationed in Boston in the Coast Guard when the "oil shortage" in '73 I think happened. There were loaded oil tankers that were backed up 30 days waiting to unload.
  • EVERYBODY has an AGENDA when it comes to oil. In Moron County California, legions of yippie/yuppy/hippie/knotheads rally against anything to do with oil, then run out and buy a $90,000 BMW. When someone points out this hypocrisy, they point to their $5,000 carbon graphite bicycle that has gathered 09 miles on it in 5 years.

    They then slip on their Nike's and Addidas and go march with others protesting Child labor.

    But when I worked at Shell oil refinery during the big 1970's OIL SHORTAGE, the refinery WOULD NOT LET crude tankers offload at the wharf. The tankers were lined up in San Pablo Bay and Shell, Exxon, Chevron, and Tidewater refineries WOULD NOT LET THEM DOCK. When a sharp eyed consumer pointed this out to the SF Chronicle, the refiners said "Oh the tankers are empty". Yeah, right! Argue with the damned Plimsoll markers on the hull. When I passed through Texas, I happened to stop at a ranch. All the rancher's cricket pumps were stopped. I asked why "Sonny they got me pinched way back. Got a big pipe but the valve is near closed on the other end". Headlines were screaming "CRUDE OIL SHORTAGE!"

    These people are CON ARTISTS. The most flagrant, arrogant, and uncaring in the world. The oil lobby scares Washington and scares state legislators. When the oil industry feels threatened, they suddenly have "Refinery Upsets" lots of them, all over.

    Try convincing someone else. Been there, done that got the tee shirt and secret whistle.
  • I live in one of those places. Searsport Maine had a chance to have a propane storage facility built for the cargo port there. The people (mostly elderly folks that were well past working age) fought the project with incredible venom and the business venture gave in.

    "No new oil refinery has been built in the U.S. in more than 35 years. Now there are two in the works. A 20,000-barrel a day refinery in North Dakota is already under construction and on Monday a second was announced."

    Think about how much traffic has increased in 35 years, and no new refineries? Have you heard about the Keystone pipeline? Resistance to tar sands oil from Canada?
  • PUERTO RICO is screaming to have a refinery built. They can use the business, and supertankers can transport product a hell of a lot easier than what you would believe. Look at the TINY island of ARUBA and it's giant refinery.

    Environmental Laws and NOT IN OUR BACKYARD are pretexts. The entire gulf coast population wishes to have refineries built. Jobs, and ancillary services.

    You have to actually GO TO these places and ask the people. You don't take surveys in Manhattan and Malibu Beach, "Do You Want A Refinery?".

    It's a CON GAME. At the moment, USA frackturing oil producers are bribing I mean lobbying like hell to get their product exported to China before Australian fracking comes on line.

    Sell all the oil to China, turn pockets inside out and wail "See! There Really Is A USA Crude Oil Shortage!"
  • I don't think it's that simple. The newest refinery in the US was built in the 1970's. Refineries in Pennsylvania shut down a while ago. Environmental laws, not corporate greed have made refineries very scarce.

    Shell Oil Pemex Deer Park Texas Joint Venture Refinery

    Who lies more? The USA oil industry or Petroleos Mexicanos?

    North America is AWASH in light sweet crude at 104.00 for 42 gallons.

    Refiners have a DEATH GRIP on prices because they limit production.

    Governments REFUSE to inquire why energy prices are so high. Chop the price of fuel, sales tax revenues get devastated and government suffers.

    This is quite a system we live under.