Forum Discussion

moisheh's avatar
Oct 23, 2017

Permits and baja

This should make everyone even more confused!!!!


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Lately we’ve been getting a lot of calls and e-mails about an article that was on the internet stating you need a Temporary Import Permit (T.I.P.) when you travel in the free zone area of Mexico.

Thinking this might be a new regulation, we contacted Banjercito. We were told no permit is needed. We then contacted the S.A.T. office (this is the Mexico IRS; Hacienda) in Tijuana and Mexico City, and they both said we do need a permit. So we didn’t know what to think; new regulation or miscommunication?

We contacted our best source, our attorney in Mexico, Gerardo Rivera Calderon and he said a visit to the S.A.T. office would be the best approach. He called me back shortly and said he reached out to personal contacts and we had an appointment within a week.

Last Wednesday, October 18, 2017, we met with Margarita Hidaigo Perez, Customer Service Representative at the S.A.T. office Tijuana, and when she heard our story she called her boss, Juan Carlos Aguilar Angulo, Manager of the S.A.T. office Tijuana. Our meetings lasted approximately two hours and yielded great information. Mr. Aguilar even called the head of the vehicle confiscation department, Mexico City to find out what his department was doing about these permits and he shared with Mr. Aguilar the following.

The current regulation for Motorhomes are:
• If you plan to leave a Motorhome in Mexico for more than 180 days (6mos.) you need the 10-year T.I.P. for all of Mexico including the free zone. However, they have no check points in Baja and no means of confiscating any vehicle.
• If you plan to take your Motorhome outside the free zone, you will need the T.I.P. (180-day max) permit (this is motor home you are bringing back within 180 days)
• Auto’s /Trucks - No vehicle permit is required in the free zone of which is all of Baja
• Boat permits are required everywhere in Mexico.

Both of these managers said that a management employee of Aduana, the vehicle division of S.A.T. is working at the 800 number and web site area that accepts applications and what that department says is needed comes from the government and all department will consider their decision final!

We were referred to and given copies of what is on the official S.A.T. website that explains T.I.P.’s and the free zones in Mexico. I have copies of everything and if enough of our clients want copies, we’ll send them out in another Blog.

We hope this has cleared up any miscommunication about these important issues.

Centered text

As always, we encourage your comments, suggestions and ideas to improve the service we provide. One of the reasons we maintain an office in Mexico with a top notch legal team is so that we can answer almost any question you might have.

E.B. Adair, Jr., Owner / President
ADA VIS Global Mexico Insurance
Enrolled Native American / U.S. Veteran

©2017 AD
  • Here is some more useful information courtesy of Ada Vis.

    Franja Y Region Fronteriza at the SAT web site - Servicio de Administración Tributaria


    With temporary importation permit issued by Banjercito

    Who can perform the process?

    The foreigners or Mexican residents in national territory or abroad


    1. In the case of mexicans residents in a foreign country, the number of document issued by the migratory authority of the foreign country that accredit them as permanent residents in the foreign country or the express authorization of the competent authority of such country who grants them the quality of service providers according to the international agreements of which Mexico is part of.

    2. In the case of foreigners, that will present their passport number, birth certificate or any other document that proof their nationality.

    § The interested party must register the data of the mobile home that’s intended to be temporarily imported, indicating how the ownership will be proven- whether with a title of the property or a vehicle registration issued by the competent authority of the foreign country.

    Units that can be jointly imported with the mobile home

    Along with the temporary importation of the mobile home, there can also be temporarily imported motorcycles, try motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, jet skies or recreational vehicles (as long as they are not conceived, destined or manufactured in an evident way to drive on general ways of communication, whether federal, state or municipals), with a maximum of three units, for which it is necessary to show proof of property of the transported units and registered them in the same permit of temporary importation of the mobile home. In these cases, the temporary importation permit of the mobile home is valid for 180 days.


    The term of the temporary importation of a mobile home is of 10 years with effect from the date of beginning of the temporary importation permit of the mobile home, with multiple entries and exits during its validity period.


    The interested parties may request a new temporary importation permit for a mobile home for the same mobile home a ten year period as long as the process for temporary importation is being made with 15 days prior to the due date of the current permit, by internet, through, or in any of the CIITEV units without need to present the mobile home.


    In order to register and obtain the receipt of definitive return of the mobile home, the interested party must present to the personnel of BANJERCITO operating on the CIITEV units at the customs exit office, the mobile home, the permit, the hologram, and when applicable, the recreational vehicles and the tow for its displacement which have been temporarily imported. Recommendations

    Verify that all the ID information of the mobile home such as the trademark, year, model, type and serial number or VIN, as well as the importer’s data are printed in the permit and are correct, due to sometimes are presented documents of another mobile home that which is not the mobile home to be imported. For further information call MarcaSAT to the following toll-free numbers:

    · In Mexico 01 55 627 22 728, options 7 and 6.

    · From USA and Canada 1 877 44 88 728, options 7 and 6.


    Where can I request the permit? 1. In the CIITEV Units located in the customs’ section of the entry to national territory. 2. In the following mexican consulates in the United States of America, up to six months of anticipation:

    · Chicago, Illinois

    · Austin, Dallas, and Houston, in Texas

    · Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Sacramento, in California

    · Albuquerque, New México

    · Denver, Colorado

    · Phoenix, Arizona

    3. By internet at, between 10 to 60 days prior to your trip. Cost:

    · At CIITEV modules located at customs entry ports in national territory as well as the 10 Mexican consulates in the U.S, the amount to be paid is 51 USD dollars plus tax

    · Permits requested via website, the cost is 45 US dollars plus tax

    Payment methods:

    · In modules located at customs entry ports in national territory, the payment can be done with cash or international debit or credit card in the name of the importer.

    · For permits requested at any of the mexican consulates in the U.S, the amount can be paid with international debit or credit card in the name of the importer.

    · For permits requested via website, the payment can only done with an international credit card in the name of the importer.

    I will post the rest in another reply

  • Accident, its stolen

    Should the imported or temporarily entered vehicle, mobile home or vessel has an accident, its stolen or any other situation in Mexico or abroad, feel free to consult our Manual. Or if you prefer, you can call the following toll-free numbers to know the requirements to cancel your permit:

    · In México 01 55 627 22 728 options 7 and 6.

    · From USA and Canada 1 877 4488728 options 7 and 6.

    Verify the situation of your permit · You may directly verify the following information related to the temporary importation permit: place of issuance, name of the unit where the permit was issued, permit number, serial number, vehicle’s trademark, vehicle’s model, number of

    migratory document, description of the permit’s status, start date, end date, maximum date for return, date for return (when the registration and definitive return of the vehicle to the foreign country has been made).

    · Directly at any CIITEV unit located in the borders of our country- when requesting a temporary transferring of border vehicles or temporary importation of vehicles or

    · At the mexican consulates in the USA that have a Banjercito office

    Safe return

    If you made a temporary importation of a vehicle and for any reason you didn’t return it on time, there is an administrative way to do it called safe return. You should make the procedure before the Administraciones Desconcentradas de Auditoría de Comercio Exterior closer to the location where the vehicle is. With this program, there is a period of five working days with the purpose of returning the vehicle in a legal way to its place of origin. We suggest not to drive the vehicle before you make the procedure of safe return, otherwise, the vehicle is illegal in the country and you may be subject to sanctions, confiscation and/or seizure of property of it, or if applicable, to imprisonment of the person who’s driving the vehicle. For further information please call Marca SAT:

    · In México 01 55 627 22 728 options 7 and 6.

    · From USA and Canada 1 877 44 88 728 options 7 and 6.


    Who can perform the process? The foreigners or Mexican residents in national territory or abroad. What kind of vessels can I import temporarily to Mexico?

    Recreational and sport boats, boats, yacht or sailboats of more than four meters and a half of length overall, including the tows for their transportation. Permit cost: At CIITEV modules located at customs entry ports in national territory as well as the 10 mexican consulates in the U.S, the amount to be paid is 51 USD dollars plus tax. Payment methods. In modules located at customs entry ports in national territory, the payment can be done with cash or international debit or credit card in the name of the importer. For permits requested at any of the mexican consulates in the U.S, the amount can be paid with international debit or credit card in the name of the importer. For permits requested via website, the payment can only done with an international credit card in the name of the importer. Where can I request a temporarily importation permit?

    · At the CIITEV units located in the division of the customs office of entry to national territory. Refer to the directory of CIITEV units.

    · At the mexican consulates in Chicago, Illinois; in Austin, Dallas and Houston, Texas; in los Angeles, San Bernardino and Sacramento, California; in Albuquerque, New Mexico; in Denver, Colorado and in Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States of America even six months before to the date of entry to national territory.

    · By internet :, in this case the term of the permit may commence from the date on which perform the process.


    1. Sor sales contra, at the importer’s name.

    2. Charter or leasing agreement at the importer’s name, with the letter of the owner authorizing the temporarily importation of the vessel to the country.

    3. Title of property.

    4. Certificate of current registration issued by the competent authority.

    When, on behalf of the owner, the process of permit of temporary importation of the vessel is made by a third party, a power of attorney of the owner to this third party should be presented with a non certified copy of his ID.

    Units that can be jointly imported with the vessel Visitors are allowed to temporarily import the following movable accessories of the vessel: jet skis, including the trailer rack and any vehicle that allows landing, motorcycles, three wheel motorcycles, four wheel motorcycles, and other recreational vehicles, provided that such vehicles were not designed or made to run on public roads, as well as one non-profit making helicopter for personal use, provided that the provisions established in the civil aviation act are observed. For this purpose, visitor shall show the vehicle certificate of the title and fill the form list of movable accessories of the temporarily imported vessel” issued by the mexican military bank (BANJERCITO). Visitors must provide all information requested in the form. Validity The term of the temporary importation of a vessel is of 10 years with effect from the date of beginning of the temporary importation of the vessel, with multiple entries and exits during its validity period. Continuation A temporary importation permit may be requested for the same vessel for a ten year period as long as the process is being made with 45 days prior to the due date of the current permit, by internet, through, or in any of the CIITEV units without need to present the vessel.


    1. When the vessel is leaving the country by land; the temporary imported vessel, the registered units in the form “List of Mobile Accessories of the Vessel” issued by Banjercito, the hologram and the permit of temporary importation or an under penalty of jury writ in free format indicating the reasons why the hologram, permit or both are not being presented.

    2. When the vessel is leaving the country by sea: you must present the original and the non certified copy of the sea dispatch stamped by the port authority, the form list of mobile accessories of the vessel issued by Banjercito, the hologram and the permit of temporary importation or an under penalty of jury writ in free format indicating the reasons why the hologram, permit or both are not being presented. These documents may be sent by

    certified mail to Banjercito o directly presented in the mail boxes located at the CIITEV units in the entry customs office.

    For further information call MarcaSAT:

    · In México 01 55 627 22 728 options 7 and 6.

    · From USA and Canada 1 877 44 88 728 options 7 and 6.


    The Sonora Government and the Department of the Treasury entered into an agreement to facilitate the temporary import of foreign vehicles, belonging to foreigners and Mexican residents abroad, in order to be driven exclusively within the territory of Sonora. This agreement offers the following advantages:

    1. Free traffic area within the State of Sonora (Green area in the map).

    · Foreign vehicles, belonging to foreigners or Mexican residents abroad, may be freely driven in the northwest of Sonora without any temporary vehicle importation permit.

    · The northwest of Sonora is defined as the area delimited to the east by the Federal Road No. 2, from Agua Prieta to the junction with the Federal Road No. 15 in Imuris; and from this point to Empalme along the Federal Road No. 15; and to the west, from San Luis Río Colorado, along the State of Sonora boundaries and the coastline to Empalme.

    · Recreational vehicles: The free traffic area does not apply to vehicles transporting recreational vehicles (such as motorcycles, three wheel motorcycles, four wheel motorcycles, jet skis, or boats up to 15 feet length). In this case, visitor must request a temporary vehicle importation permit at any Office for the Temporary Vehicle Importation (CIITEV), which are located at all Mexican customs. Visitor is allowed to import up to 3 recreational vehicles, including one boat up to 15 feet length, provided that such vehicles were not designed or made to run on public roads and that they meet the requirements established in the respective section of this site.

    2.- Temporary vehicle importation permit for Sonora (Grey area in the map) In order to drive a foreign vehicle in the rest of the Sonora territory, and within its boundaries, visitor should request a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit for Sonora. For further

    information on the requirements, go to the vehicles section of this site. Visitor may pay the deposit at:

    · Banjercito modules a) Km. 98, Empalme, Sonora (Carretera Ciudad Obregón – Guaymas) b) Customs office at Agua Prieta, Naco and Cananea

    · Mexican Consulate located at Phoenix, AZ. ·

    Duration of the temporary vehicle importation permit for Sonora

    Visitor is authorized to keep the vehicle within the State of Sonora for 180 days.

    I hope this helps.

  • I asked the Pres. of Ada Vis if he was aware of the problems with trucks and campers. Hopefully he will reply. I liked the phone numbers he provided. BUT a few years ago I tried one of them. It is what is called a "boiler"room". A huge room. Probably all concrete with a whole bunch of people babbling away in fast Spanish. When I finally got English the background noise was so loud I could not hear a thing. Frustrating.
