When I used to go hole-up for the winter I chose very remote villages. Even now my kids live in a village of 105 souls with the nearest known gringo is 25 miles distant and no I have never met them and don't care to seek them out. Americans complain about Mexicans creating their own universe in the USA with store signs in Spanish. Come to Mexico and many of the gringo infestations are exactly the same in reverse. People live here for 15-20 years and do not bother even trying to learn Spanish.
I have a distant neighbor here where I am renting who is from the USA. We talk oh maybe once every three months for 60-seconds or less. The gringos bring virtual whole-store inventories in their RVs. So their money goes for gasoline, toll toads and RV park owners who drive BMW's, and nothing else of local origin. Nada. How can this possibly help local Mexicans?
The peso is slipping because only some foodstuffs are of Mexican origin. Lightbulbs, soap, tires, cars, bicycles, motor oil, and 99% of canned and box foods are of foreign origin. The balance of trade level resembles a ski ramp. No one wants Mexican crude anymore. About 30% of the frijols and maize for masa comes from the USA.
When my herniated disc cures by itself, cataracts, shrink and go away, and I can rise out of bed without use of handlebars is when the peso will strengthen. The most I can hope for is it to slow down sliding downhill. The peso was at parity with the dollar in 1900. One hundred sixteen years later it stands at 16,290 to the dollar. I've been reading about peso "revaluations" for the last forty years. Look for a possible "peso revaluation" immediately after Petroleos Mexicanos cuts the price of combistibles.
My brother in law moved to mexico 4 years ago, he has nothing to do with Gringos, deals only with locals. When he built a house, that really paid off.