Well here is the plan of action from my partner. I have xx'ed out some names:
Thanks for the info, I have been checking in Internet the translation English - Spanish for the technical terms that you mention, all is clear...GVW, GVWR, CURB WEIGHT or NET WEIGHT, all is clear.
I have been in contact with XXXX XXX, the lawyer who is taking the case, and he classes it as interpretation controversy and he is willing to work on it, as mentioned before, he will be back in Mexico City in Jun 18 to make the revision of the file and plan the strategy to approach the issue vs. Banjercito-SAT to find a solution, I think, this is manageable but we need to be patient.
The day after tomorrow, Wednesday, JUN 8, I have and appointment with two lawyers, they are XXX's collaborators, in Mexico City to set up a file and advance in this process, I am also working with the same team of lawyers on our friend "Mexico" Mike Nelson's case for the reimbursement of Banjercito to his customer.
(The last reference is to a guy who never got his $400 reimbursed when he cancelled his permit on exit. Another thing I have heard a couple of instances happeneng with using a credit card.