Three weeks to go till New Years ....latest on the park is, it's now opened for day use, not for Camping. I guess Ontario Parks feels their no safety issues for day use folks who come in, spend a rediculous amount of money to enter the park for the day. This is to cover lost revenue i guess, since there are no campers, no need for excessive staff to clean bathrooms etc. I called the reservation number yesterday( Sunday), asked what the latest is on the park, he had no answers because it's a Sunday. Ontario Parks is being kind enough and giving people who have a reservation a "full" refund! Isn't that nice of them, they are waving the cancellation fees they usually charge! Today, if i have time, am going to call back, and get a phone number for someone who can actually answer my questions, i know the person on the phone yesterday was just doing his job ....but to be honest, i am really getting pissed over this whole situation, it's just not right!
First off, they are of Indian Descent.... there, i said it. Ontario Parks cannot even state that on their website. It's voodoo or something. They believe their forefathers owned the land, well guess what, my forefathers came to Canada hundreds of years ago, were farmers, worked the land down here in SW Ontario, that doesn't mean i need to get everyone off what was one time our property, well, at least we think so. Grow some nads .... go in there and tell them it's time to go. The people who actually work here in Ontario, pay rediculous taxes, pay outrages prices to use the park want to use it. If you or i did this, we'd be in jail right not, or atleast paying a fine. Secondly, if they want to protest, let them, they are at thefront, it's only 3 guys, they don't seem to be doing any harm. We can still use the campground ....isn't that why you have security people driving around in Dodge Chargers thinking they are Robocop ..... case n point, last New Years Eve one stopped at a Yurt across from ours, we thought he knew them, he started getting into a heated discussion about their music, which was no way loud ( i hate when someone camping plays music loud), when he left i went over to them to let them know we did not complain about their music. If this guy feels he needs to be Supercop, than let him do his job and protect us against any Indian attacks! Give me a break. Thirdly, on offering a full refund, i said to the guy yesterday, why is it if we have to cancel, we have to pay a fee? Of course, just doing his job .... sorry, we are only able to offer a full refund. Thse are the same people who, when my brother was dying in a Hospital In Detroit on the long August weekend, and i came home to take a few hours break, an call up to cancel my reservation, i was told since i was supposed to have arrive yesterday (Thursday ), i would have to call the park directly, even after explaining the situation ..... glad i cancelled my camping trip, my brother passed that evening, was able to spend the day with him. Was also lucky it's a Provincial Park we visit frequently, as the woman their knows us, and cancelled the reservation with full refund. I kept a few vacation days to use for the weekend coming up, made changes in what would have been family get togethers etc during the holidays, made arrangements for a person to cover me at work for the few days ahead that we will be there. This is a huge inconvenience, not just for me, but for everyone else involved .... but oh wait, Ontario Parks is kind enough to offer a full refund for cancellation! Thats BS!