Not from a direct lightning strike, unless you are quite lucky.
True true! But we have been near lightning strikes a number of times in our lives - even a hundred yards or so can take out things like computers and TVs - we have lost several pieces of electronic equipment over the years - not in the RV but in various residences - we did not have protection.
I had a house in Colorado with a high TV antenna and the it got hit several times - first time it took out the TV but then I got a signal booster thingy from Radio Shack to improve antenna strength and each lightning strike took out that booster but nothing else - I would just go buy a new booster - didn't know about surge protectors back then.
A tree strike about a hundred yards away took out our stereo receiver once.
We once did a remodel/restoration to a house that had a fire due to a lightning strike - it came into the house through a wall clock - inspectors said lightning goes to point of least resistance which in that case was the wall clock. That was over 40 years ago.
I have been close enough to lightning for the hair on my arms to stand up. With today's sensitive electronics that could be enough to get to some devices. It doesn't take a direct hit and a surge protector can provide some level of protection. But our main reason for having the protector on our Bus is chances of line voltage weirdness.