bakedalaskan1 wrote:
Some simple rules: slow down for oncoming traffic. 99% of the truck drivers will show the same courtesy and slow down for you. Remember they are trying to manage energy on 80,000 pound rigs so if a trucker is on your bumper get out of his way as soon as safely possible. The other vehicles on the road are another story so you get what you get. Some will slow down others will not. I slow down because I know what flying gravel does and to minimize my own damage when others don't slow down.
Great advice. While I didn't travel those roads my observations:
1. Truckers are the best as they will often slow or move as far right as possible.
2. Visitors including RVs: Some learn and some don't.
3. Locals: Rock damage etc is a way of life, priorites are getting to work, etc. Like "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead."