Forum Discussion

magentawave's avatar
Feb 01, 2014

Questions about propane tanks in Mex, CA & SA please...

I plan to travel through Mexico, Central America and South America and was wondering if I can buy those little throw-away propane tanks in those countries?

And is it true that its a major hassle to fill propane tanks in Central America and South America because every country uses different filler thingee's?

  • If you have an RV with a propane bottle, why would you ever bring /buy small bottles. If you have a stove with a regulator you need to put in a tee before your RV regulator and have a long hose made up to reach your stove. Don't mess with 1 lb. bottles.
  • LP Tanks and fittings have been standard throughout the World for many years!

    There are Adapter Hoses that allow using larger "Standard" Bottles in place of those Green Bottles.