Forum Discussion

marpel's avatar
Apr 11, 2016

Rest Areas, GPS info


Am about to embark on a road trip from Vancouver BC to Denver Co. In preparation, I thought I would obtain GPS coordinates for rest areas and truck stops along the route so I could enter in the trucks Nav system. I have tried to find rest areas in my Nav system on prior trips but the list is incomplete, to say the least.

Tried a number of google searches and visited each state website with no luck. I am simply looking for a list of the coordinates which I may copy to a physical list and keep in truck for those occasions we are looking to stop and rest. Except for POI-Factory, which is confusing to use and requires becoming a member, I was surprised that there is not an easily accessible location for the information, and very surprised that each state would not have such a list for their own rest areas.

Anyone know of such a site that I could visit for the required information??

Thanks in advance,

  • There is an app called Trucker Path Pro that shows every rest stop in your route, plus a lot of other valuable information. If you have a smart phone, download it, and take a look. It's a great app.
  • I find POI factory easy to use and membership is free. Down load file as GPX and send to the GPSr.
  • scrubjaysnest wrote:
    I find POI factory easy to use and membership is free. Down load file as GPX and send to the GPSr.

    I have used POI factory to add 18,000 campgrounds to my GPS. I also have all rest areas, dunkin donuts, truck stops, quirky attractions, etc. It is an amazing resource.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    I agree a app would be the easiest if you have a smart phone. Otherwise you could find them here select the direction of travel (takes a while to load) and then click on the ones of interest you can copy the coordinates.
  • Thanks to everyone for the quick and informative replies.

    azdryheat - I had actually checked the sites you have linked, however, except for Wa, they only list milepost markers and not GPS coordinates (so it's not "pretty easy").

    To the others, I am somewhat hesitant to try and download a bunch of data to my Nav as the system I have, including the radio, all runs off an SD card (and somewhat old technology) and I am not sure of its capacity. The set has no internal hard-drive. I actually bought it more for the great back-up camera/screen. I will, however, look into the phone app aspect so thanks for that suggestion.

    Again, thanks to all for responding.

  • Paul Clancy wrote:
    Iexit. Another free app showing exits along interstates.

    +1 for iExit, however it only works on interstates and it's database is fairly old and doesn't know about some roads (I-44 north of Shreveport for example).