padredw wrote:
Howdy, neighbor,
Much good advice here, but there are some alternatives. Going to Salida/Buena Vista we always turn at Walsenburg and take CO 69 through Garner and Westcliffe. It is not the best road, but we have never had the least bit of difficulty driving it and it saves a lot of time compared with going on up to Pueblo. A fine point, we turn off the Cotapaxi cut-off rather than going on down to Texas Creek.
On your return trip from Ouray, you have the option to take CO 114 about 8 miles east of Gunnison and come down through Saguache. The pass is an easy one and you have a long easy downhill through the San Luis Valley. You can follow 160 back to Walsenburg, but we often go on by Taos and Santa Fe before heading back to East Texas (north of Longview).
I think I know all the campsites between East Texas and Buena Vista and will be glad to share if you have interest.
We go up to Paris and take US 82 west across North Texas. It is a very good road for the most part and saves all the congestion in or around DFW. You could take US 271 up through Gilmer and Mt. Pleasant all the way to Paris. Let me know if I can help further. If so send me a PM and I'll give you my email.
Good advice - I'll never disagree with someone with this much EXPERIENCE!
Enjoy the drive and all of Colorado.