Forum Discussion

Hpymils's avatar
Apr 06, 2016

Robbery near Mazatlan

Mexico News Daily reported a robbery near Mazatlan. Any news to follow up this report?
  • Straying away from the tourist enclaves in any country and any city is not a good idea, this kind of incidents will happen anywhere in the world, do heed the locals as to where to go and where not to go, comon sense folks is always good to practice.

    And for all of you that put down other countries, no one country is better or worse than another, just different customs and culture, crime is universal.

  • 3 driveby shootings where I live in canada last week.let's keep things in perspective
  • Well perhaps in the spirit of fair reporting we should start responding to the malicious posts that are starting to become the hallmark of the trolls that frequent this site !!


  • Roc Moc wrote:
    The other side...

    ...say, 1.2 million Canadians vacation and spend long periods of time in Mexico every year, and:

    "On average, three Canadians for every 100,000 visiting Mexico are killed or assaulted per year, according to more than a decade's worth of data from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs." (CBC 2012), what if it were 4 (0.004%) ? Or, 5 (0.005%) ? We're moving there....permanently :B

    20 million Americans visited/vacationed/lived in Mexico in 2011...and 120 Americans were killed in Mexico in 2011 (0.0006%) Obtaining an American citizenship before spending long-term in Mexico is good for your well-being :B

    ...a big fuss about nothing.
  • So incredibly silly to turn a travel blog into a police blotter....stay home dammed it! Geez police filters
  • Only a couple crimes? Wonder how many crimes were occuring in Detroit during that time? Let me guess. Several hundred?:B
  • which do you refer to, the Mexican National family on their way to Maz for Easter, or the Canadian family that went to the small town for lunch and on their way back were carjacked and robbed? The latter occurred approx a week after Mar 24th when the Nationals were brutally assaulted.

    News of this type of violence is all but suppressed to protect the tourist peso. Many of us here in Maz have been aware to stay clear of out lying towns this season, not limited to but including our favorite brunch place with the chickens, just to the North of here.