Forum Discussion

Casinojunkie's avatar
Mar 13, 2016

route between Fairfield, TX and Athens, TX

Thinking about taking the route between Fairfield, TX and Athens, TX Mapquest shows lesving Fairfield, TX heading north on FM 488, east on US 287, then Northeast on FM 59 arriving in Athens, TX.
Has anyone traveled on and have feeback on this route, as to road condition etc. I have a short 26' fifth wheel.
  • Your route is about 45 miles.

    Taking I-45 is about 70 miles. Much construction on I-45 between Richland and Fairfield when we traveled it March 3, 2016. Some lane closures for a couple stretches.

    In general - Texas FM- roads with 2 or 3 digit numbers are in good shape. What you will find is a two lane road with limited passing zones and a high speed limit.

    If the FM road has no shoulders, it can be a 70 mph speed limit. With 5 ft shoulders, it can be a 75 mph speed limit. That won't impact you towing, but could cause a buildup of traffic behind you.

    Looking at satellite photos - it looks like FM-488 does not have shoulders and FM-59 does.

    Note - the route takes you right below the Richland-Chambers Lake Dam. The information I can find says the lake is full and releasing water into the channel. That should not impact your drive, but be aware that portions of Texas are VERY wet from recent rains.
  • Stay on 45 to Corsicana then 31 to Athens, .
    Where do you want to be? Is Athens your destination?
  • Not sure on the FM roads but they have always been fine for me in the short spurts where needed. US 287 is fine. I think you are in good shape, especially on that quick trip.