Forum Discussion

Canadian_Rainbi's avatar
Mar 21, 2017

Route info fro those driving from PV to Sonoyta

Left PV Sunday morning via Comopstela and Tepic and the Mazatlan bypass quota.

Leaving on Sunday was a great idea. Wish we had done on purpose! Traffic was light, very few semis or big trucks, road in pretty good condition. They still have the topes in the shadow if trees and poles though!

Easiest drive we have ever had on this route.

Tomorrow San Carlos with a stop at La Pilarica Pemex for fuel and lunch.

We hope to leave by 7:30 AM and should arrive in San Carlos by 6:PM

I'll try to post details tomorrow or Wednesday assuming we have internet.
  • daveB110 wrote:
    Just require two radios and a pace car far enough ahead to tell you the good news there is NO traffic coming your way! ( But that's a big truck !)

    Knowing there is nothing coming is cheating! :B
  • Just require two radios and a pace car far enough ahead to tell you the good news there is NO traffic coming your way! ( But that's a big truck !)
  • Art, love you dearly, but Ray says you don't get your Mexican drivers license until you pass a double semi remolque on a mountain road going uphill on a blind right hand curve, while crossing yourself twice and petting both dogs. IF you doubt us, we have verification, including photos! Although you always have to keep in mind that the drivers license test in Guerrero is only a blood test!!!

    This afternoon, at 4pm, they were actively filling in the potholes on the ramp from hell around Guyamas. They obviously read you posting! It is still a launching ramp, though.

    Maz to San Carlos took us 10.5 hours. There was some good stuff, and some fairly bad, but we are here.
  • Good drive today. Sunny but much cooler. First time we have crossed the Sonora Desert without having to start the generator to run the aircon. Highest temperatre we saw on the rigs outside thermometer was 74. Great for driving, but in Ajo AZ needed long pants when the sun went down!

    Road was great in spite of the construction. think I qualified for a Mexican Drivers Licence: Passed a fladbed Semi in a construction zone on a double yellow line at twice the posted speed! (Long straight, flat, wide new concrete section. No curve, so maybe not quite fully qualified!)

    Turned onto Highway 2 at Santa Ana, the 2 in pretty good shape to Sonoyta except for a few short sections.

    Note: turning in TIP at Pitiquito; The building in on the left just after crossing the RR tracks. this crossing is ROUGH. Crawl across. Turn in just past the outbound lane, very tight turn past a row of concrete barriers. DW walked into the office and an agent came out to remove the Jeep's decal. U turned at the unmanned inspection stations and exited the way we came in. The place was almost deserted NO staff outside. Southbound traffic went through with no agents in sight. Back on the road in 15 minutes.

    At the "Old station, (KM 21?) there was lots of building construction going on. No sign of this place being replaced by Pitiquito. Almost the other way around.
  • We like Shadow Ridge, they take Passport America and have great wifi.

    Safe travels!!!
  • Leaving in a hour or so for Ajo AZ. Will post info tonight IF wifi is available at the park
  • Thanks so much for the update. We are just a bit behind you, in Mazatlan, arrived today, rest/shopping day tomorrow, then Friday will run to San Carlos.

    That ramp on the Guymas bypass has sucked for a long time. Thanks for the reminder.

    Don't forget the update to Sonoyta.

    Safe travels, and pets to the pups.
  • From Mazatlan north wasn't too bad on the whole but as far as Los Mochis the surface ranged from OK to pretty awful. Lots of bouncing. We had a couple of cupboards come open.

    North of Los Mochis the road improved to excellent in places. Lots of construction where the entire north or south bound lanes were in the process of being or had been completely ripped up so there was two way traffic on what was/will be a dual lane highway. Traffic was moving at up to 80 Km/H in the 40 or 60 Km/H work zones! The construction and improvement continued on and off almost all the way to the Guymas bypass. NOTE!!! The on ramp to the Hermesillo route around Guymas is HORRIBLE. SLOW DOWN! The rest of it at least to the strange turnoff to San Carlos was very good.

    The construction cost us probably half an hour in over all travel time from Los Mochis to San Carlos.
  • Thanks so much for the update!

    We aren't far behind you, in Patzcuaro now, Tequila/Magdalena probably tomorrow, Mazatlan, San Carlos, border.

    Really appreciate your updates.