I guess maybe I should spend more time learning to use ioverlander but so far it does not seem to suit our purposes. It has useful information for small rigs and tenters and some info for big rigs like us but as I look it over in the US it is lacking. Example would be - there are dozens of RV parks etc. around the Yuma, AZ area but not one shows up on ioverlander. It probably depends on what you are looking for and where you are looking. I know of places in Mexico that are not on ioverlander. It is probably like anything else - the people out in the world need to report on these places so they get listed. And detailed information is the most useful information - a few words tells us very little. But it can certainly be a resource and by all means should be added to the tools used by anyone who travels as most of us do. Lots of people on this forum can help with tips about Mexico but beyond that info can be limited.