Bad RV Products Supplier - RV Products Shop
Just a note that RV Products Shop in Witchata, KS should not be used for RV Parts. It seems they just carry HVAC items.
Here is my story. Last week I found them in the internet using a Coleman Mach thermostat as a search tool. There web site look really good, so I emailed them via their contact method and they got an answer in a few hours. All is good. I ordered the thermostat they suggested ( 1 of the 2) and messaged back that I had done so. The part was shipped the next day via USPS Advantage and arrived 5 days later ($18.00 shipping).
Now the kicker......... I opened the T-Stat for installation, and noted that the Mounting Plate that is supposed to come with it was missing. I then messaged him both from the general email and from my account. I noted the problem and asked to please advise. It is now almost 3 days later and have not heard from them. I will note, that the unit they sent me appeared to be slightly used and the manual appeared used also.
Due to the cold weather we are having I needed a T-stat that worked, as the one in my RV was failing. I wired it up and although the gauge is 3 degrees off, it does work (Checked with 2 other thermometers). So, it is just hanging from the wall now.
I did find their phone number, but they don't answer and say to leave a email communication.