Forum Discussion

KampingKris's avatar
Aug 02, 2015

RV rental in Alaska

We are thinking about flying to Alaska and renting a small class C for two weeks. I know it will be pricey, but so would be driving the bus at 7 mpg round trip 5000 miles or so. And we figure we can get into other state/forest campgrounds that the bus wouldn't be able to fit.

And then there's the issue of mechanical breakdowns... After being towed in Oregon... we are gun shy. And frankly, not all that mechanical. Although in the two years of bus ownership, we are much more educated on our diesel.

Anyway... the question is - anyone done this? Is there a rental company to stay away from?
  • We have rented from both ABC and Great Alaskan Holidays, the rental from ABC was before we had an RV and long story but the DD's and DW wanted to go to Dutch and I wanted to go fishing and then a week in the RV. At that time is was extra for everything except the basic linens and towels and meager kitchen equipment.

    A couple of years ago we took the DGKs for three weeks because driving would have taken up all our time. For that trip we went with GAH and could not have been happier. Well stocked with linens and towels and plates and silverware. New 31 foot Winnie Class C. Same thing as noted by someone else, the flights are almost all late night so they left a key for us and the beds were made. Check in and out were easy. Only problem is any left over food has to go in the trash unless someone checking in wants it.

    We were interested in going to the ARCTIC Circle and that was permissible and even up to the town above the circle. By the way on the Summer Soltice the sun is visible above the horizon from the BLM campground a mile north of the circle.

    I would recommend GAH to anyone they are great. By the by, they do run specials so check them out before you rent.
  • I've rented from ABC a few times in the past. Good company. You can rent motorhomes or you can rent truck campers. Last time I did that was 2003. I got in on a red eye took a cab to ABC and they had left the camper open for me to sleep in till I could check it out and take off in the charge. Their rigs are completely outfitted, just bring the stuff you would if you were staying in a hotel. I'm sure the other Anchorage companies are fine too. You don't stay in business long otherwise.
  • Hopefully, this post will be moved to the Alaska forum.

    First, you might consider taking the Alaskan Ferry from Bellington, WA through the Inside Passage for a real treat of areas you can't drive to. It's about a 4-day trip. We left our motorhome for a month in an RV park in their storage area.

    Many have rented and the best way is out of Anchorage. We did the ferry and rented from Great Alaskan Holidays are were very pleased. We got off in Skagway and rented for 2 weeks from a small operator - expensive but that was the only available. Then we had friends fly in and we met them in Anchorage, turned in our rental and re-rented for 2 weeks from Great Alaskan Holidays - much cheaper. We then toured with our friends for 2 weeks. We flew back to Seattle.

    The rental was fun but very expensive. Plus, we felt rushed for the time period.

    Later we drove our motorhome up leaving in May and returning in Sept. It was the best trip ever. We had our own stuff. We were able to take our time and explore Canada and the Yukon, also...something you can't do in a 2-week rental period.

    Our 40' motorhome fit everywhere we wanted to go. There are so many wonderful boondocking spots in awesome spots overlooking rivers, lakes and mountains. We also used Provencial parks in Canada and the Yukon and some national forest campgrounds in Alaska along with state recreation areas. We stayed in Denali 10 nights at both Teklanika and Riley Creek campgrounds.

    Bottom line, there is so much more to see than Alaska. The drive up and returning were great and the animals were plentiful.

    We bought new tires before the trip. We were confident in our prior maintenance of the vehicles. That's the only protection we did and had absolutely no issues on the motorhome or Jeep.

    Renting is o.k. but driving the distance is better!