Mr: Tequila, the crossing at the Anzalduas bridge avoids going through Reynosa from Mission, if crossing here be careful with the speed bumps on the American side, they are rather nasty and tall.
Once past the initial check point, turn left next to the building into a big parking lot, Banjercito and Inmigration are in the big building, there is a door from the parking lot, rather than going arround the building, have copies of all the documents.
Once the TIP's and visas have been processed exit the parking lot by the same entrance and make a left turn, the next check point is the military unit, they are looking for weapons and ammo, after that proceed to exit going to the left, this is highway 2.
Go easy untill you see the exit to Monterrey, it is a hard one to spot so go slow and it is not well banked and sharp this gets you to 40 and 40D to Monterrey.
The return is the same, the on ramp to 2 is a little tricky it is a right turn in what looks like an industrial road and then comes the right turn onto no2 toward the Anzalduas bridge, once on the American side stay on the right side and be patient, they only have 3 booths, depending on the hour there can be a line and a wait, to retun paper work to return the visas and TIP uspe the same parking lot.