Check with your Dr. about switching to a blood thinner that doesn't require as frequent testing.
Warfarin is the ONLY one that can be quickly reversed
Others do NOT have that capability so if INR goes HIGH ... bleeding problems
Warfarin....INR goes HIGH ....Vitamin K will counter act
(Dark greens ---spinach, collard greens, broccoli etc)
For bleeding skin problems, buy a product called " wound seal" it is a powder in sealed little tubes about the size of pencil. Each tube is about 2" long. 1. wash the cut 2. open the tube and pour the powder over the cut 3. press and hold the powder down for 30 seconds, wipe off powder. The bleeding will typically seal and stop within 30 seconds.
Is her INR/Protime stable?
Is she having to change dosage routinely or dosage is regulated?
Should be stable......otherwise she needs to monitor diet and find a happy spot (same diet regiment and NOT splurge on foods with Vitamin K)
Been on Warfarin since 2012
Eat greens but do not over indulge or binge eat them
Moderation is key to keep INR level (2-3 INR Range)
4 to 6 week INR testing should be goal
Is the Mexican Border OPEN?