CANADIAN HEALTH INSURANCE needs a sticky. The issue is who will create and verify the information?
With IMSS Seguro Social, a person just does not walk into a Nivel 1o hospital and announce - hello I need a pacemaker. There are around a dozen or so 1o IMSS hospitals in Mexico and perhaps 50 20 hospitals.
The rest are called Perifericos.
99.9% of the time, residents are treated at a Periferico. Unless the illness is life-threatening, the Periferico presents it's findings to a board in a 2o tier hospital. A committee. The committee schedules an appointment for the patient. Many 2o hospitals do not have specialists. The specialists "make the rounds" of 2o hospitals, so a referral make take a month or longer for other than dire emergencies.
1o hospitals perform heart-lung transplants. This is the level of hospital that has CAT SCAN, and MRI machines and technicians. Getting an MRI can take months or as long as a year.
The medication formulary at IMSS hospitals is ultra-basic. Many extended-release medications are not available nor are specialty medications. You pay out-of-pocket for non formulary medications. This can get dicey with cardiac medications.
SEGURO POPULAR is far less sophisticated. I believe SP members pay out of pocket for Cat Scan and MRI diagnostics. The formulary is pathetic.