OK I tried and cannot provide an answer to the meds $ issue. I am a citizen as are my kids and grandkids and friends. The Rx formulary is so basic the medicines cost next to nothing if the person hospitalized has friends or family that can get meds other than what's available next door to the hospital. Those farmacias sell only medicamentos patentes, flagship name brand medicines at astronomical prices. Like many other things - the farmacia pays a huge bribe to government to get the concession to be guaranteed the sole farmacia in a two block radius.
If you don't mind laying in a hospital bed with absolutely zero to do you can tolerate a Mexican health care hospital. Television? Radio? WiFi? Shirley You Jest! If you do not speak Spanish when a nuse shows up with a six liter enema, you might as well bend over - even when they make a mistake and the order is for the other patient sharing your room.