Forum Discussion

tony_lee's avatar
Nov 13, 2015

Scam or bureaucratic nonsense at 28th parallel

Pulled up at the agricultural inspection point at the Baja tuning fork expecting either a detailed inspection or a wavethrough, but instead the official demanded 20 pesos. For what? I asked. Disinfection, he said pointing to the narrow grill on the road from which a very fine mist was issuing and rising maybe 6" off the road surface. I also queried the motley assortment of vehicles that were bypassing me and was told they were army. 20 pesos paid and a receipt given.

Seems a bit of a joke given that the grid was so narrow that 90% of each wheel would not get sprayed and I doubt the very fine low pressure spray would have reached the underside of the MH anyway.

Be interesting to know what was in that spray.

Reminded me of a similar situation down in South America. We crossed a river and then drove into the Chile border where we completed the usual formalities and then three SAG people came out, one with a backpack spray on and two supervisors, to spray for Didymos (a snot-like algae they are trying to stop spreading). So with great care and ceremony he went around the car spraying the wheels and door sills to the point of run-off and then the boss indicated it was all complete and we could go. I got down on my knees and very pointedly looked under the car to see that the entire underside and the inside of the wheels were all completely unsprayed even though they had been fully submerged in the infected river. Doh!!!
At least that spray was free.