Forum Discussion

Justtodd's avatar
Jun 27, 2021

So Cal to Yellowstone

Good evening, my wife and I are planning a 2022 trip from So Cal to Yellowstone. This year we did Utah and had a great time so next year we want to see more!

I am reaching out to see what routes people have taken to get from SoCal to Yellowstone. I am pretty confident through St George but open to ideas after staying the night there. What next stops and highways have others taken to get up into and back out of Yellowstone? Looking at fish camp as a base amp while in Yellowstone.

Total trip time is 2 weeks and on our way back down will be dropping through Moabif that helps for direction.

Any input is appreciated.

FYI we have a 38’ Cyclone toyhauler. But was very comfortable over all grades in Utah for example.

Thank you
  • I know you didn't ask but stay at IMO it was worth the few extra coins. We were there last summer and as it was the grandkids wanted a do nothing day. They have a great staff and the facilities are the best. The one thing to be aware is they strictly enforce the check-in/out time but they have a large staging area to wait in. Reserve now!

    The way the site utilities are located you might want to have extensions for everything.
  • Thank you both for the trip details. Both sound very doable. I think we will aim for the West entrance as this will be the first leg of the trip then drop down through Jackson. Always appreciate others trip recommendations.

  • We did the I-15 route from Sandy Eggo. Left 4am so we'd miss the extreme heat at the grades going up from Baker and then through the Vegas area. First night in Beaver Utah. Next day to Idaho Falls. Stocked up in IF and left for Jackson in the am. There were seven rigs with us on this trip. Some novice rentals. So it was pretty doable.
  • We make that trip a couple of times a year. It's hard to avoid the I-15 so we push hard the first day to get to cooler temperatures in the higher elevations of Utah. St. George is a nice town but still pretty warm so we push on to Beaver, Utah. There are a couple of nice RV parks there. It's about 500 miles from our house but gets the worst part of the trip out of the way. You can stop earlier at say Cedar City if you choose and still be in a cooler climate for the night. The next day through Salt Lake City turning onto the 89 at Brigham City. From there through Logan and Logan Canyon for a scenic way, stopping overnight at Rendevous Beach campground at Garden City, Ut. The next day you travel along the shore of Bear Lake into Idaho and Wyoming, then drive through the Star Valley and along the Snake River into Jackson, Wy. If you haven't done the Tetons (Yellowstone's southern neighbor) you might want to give it a look. Has an abundance of wildlife plus those magic mountain scenes. This route will get you into Jackson about noon where you can continue up to Yellowstone through the southern entrance if you don't want to explore the Tetons.
    If you're in more of a hurry, the I-15 to the Idaho 20 will get you into West Yellowstone the fastest.