USMC46 wrote:
We are planning a trip to Alaska this year. I'm reading the posts, will buy a couple of books and MilePost but would like some other advice. I have a "trip planner" that recommended a ferry from Homer to Valdez. I believe it stops at Kodiak. Anyone ever taken this ferry ? Cost ? I'm working on an estimate and was wondering if $4.50 a gallon for diesel would be a good average cost for the lower states, Canada and Alaska ? Is it reasonable to estimate that we could boondock in Alaska 50% of the two month+ we will be there ? Average full hook-up RV parking costs in AK ? Best three months to go ? Any legal way to transport a weapon through Canada ? Any and all advice appreciated and if anyone is heading that way from South Texas let me know.
I'm not sure where you're trying to go to/from with the ferry. If you're simply cutting off miles, the ferry stops at Whittier and Seward between Homer and Valdez, But you're missing a lot of beautiful country and sightseeing. Google 'Alaska Marine Highway' for rates, times, schedules and everything you need to know. Although it's an easy trip, it could get expensive for longer legs if you spring for a cabin, meals and so forth. Ferries charge by length and they do measure, so a little thing like removing the towbar can help. As far as boondocking is concerned, Alaska allows off road parking anywhere it is NOT prohibited by signs, and you're off the travel way. We boondock a lot and we also stay in parks. Parks in Homer can be $40 or more to $5 for dry camping on the Spit. We usually sepend 6 weeks or more in Bayside RV Park in Valdez, as you can walk about everywhere in town, and we fish Shrimp, Pink Salmon, and Silver Salmon there. Current prices are on line. Many parks in AK are glorified gravel parking lots, but that's fine with us. You can also dump and take on water all over for $5-10 all over. Scenery is grand wherever you go so a few legs on the ferry is an experience, but we never used it to save money. First year up we ferried from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan, Wrangel, Petersburg, Juneau, Skagway, and Haines. Spent 2-3 days in each location and boondocked or payed minimal fees all over. Different things to see in each place.
You get the idea. If you need more info, post or PM me. We've been up in 06, 07, 09, 11(twice, we flew up for the Iditerod) and 13. Good Lord willing, we'll be up in 15 and beyond. About 11,500 round trip from Delaware.