Forum Discussion

USMC46's avatar
Jan 09, 2014

Some Alaska Trip Questions

We are planning a trip to Alaska this year. I'm reading the posts, will buy a couple of books and MilePost but would like some other advice. I have a "trip planner" that recommended a ferry from Homer to Valdez. I believe it stops at Kodiak. Anyone ever taken this ferry ? Cost ? I'm working on an estimate and was wondering if $4.50 a gallon for diesel would be a good average cost for the lower states, Canada and Alaska ? Is it reasonable to estimate that we could boondock in Alaska 50% of the two month+ we will be there ? Average full hook-up RV parking costs in AK ? Best three months to go ? Any legal way to transport a weapon through Canada ? Any and all advice appreciated and if anyone is heading that way from South Texas let me know.
  • Well Jim and Carmel, here is link to boondocking in AK, it is old but if you google RV Boondocking in AK you'll find a lot of info.


    As far as the ferry, I don't know what great things you would see that you need to spend that much money to take the ferry. I met up with my wife and daughters in Kodiak one time and rode back to Seward with them and they went on to Valdez and then took the ferry to Whittier where I picked them up in the MoHo. They felt the Fjiordlands cruise(one day) out of Seward was better.

    I would estimate the cost of campgrounds is about $35 - $45 per night in privates and less in public parks.

    June, July, August and part of September, any earlier or later and you will find cold weather and possible snow.

    I took a shot gun to AK the first time we drove. Didn't park the MoHo and go into the bush, so never needed it.

    Just my 2 bits worth.

  • Today diesel prices are running around $5.00 US a gallon in Canada with lows and highs changing on a regular basis

    Try this site .... BC GAS PRICES